Subterrannean TermiteFamilies consist of Masotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae. They build nests in the soil and are very dependent on soil for moisture. In their search for food, subterranean termites construct mud tubes because they are susceptible to desiccation when exposed to air. They usually work their way above ground to reach wood or any other […]
Author Archives: bentzjaz
Introduction The drywood termites produce mature colonies that consist of only a few thousand individuals. They never live in soil and require no ground contact and do not build mud tubes Biology Drywood termites form colonies in a similar manner to other termites. They have flying forms, known as alates, which fly out in great […]
Dampwood termites nest in wood buried in the ground, although contact with the ground is not necessary when infested wood is high in moisture. Because of their high moisture requirements, dampwood termites most often are found in cool, humid areas along the coast and are typical pests of beach houses. Winged reproductives typically swarm between […]
Common species of bird pest problems include Feral Pigeons, House Sparrows, Starlings and Gulls. We supply a range of products that are designed to repel these birds from roosting or nesting on your building. Birds and their droppings do make buildings look unattractive and poorly maintained. The droppings can create a slip hazard, and its […]
Scientific classificationClass: InsectaOrder: HemipteraFamily: CimicidaeScientific name: Cimex hemipterus (Tropical bedbug)Cimex lectularius (Common bedbug) Bedbugs are small nocturnal insects of the family Cimicidae that live by hematophagy. They feed on blood, mostly from people but are also known to feed on bats or other warm-blooded animals including rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, birds, bats and pets. Characteristics […]
Beetles in the family Lyctidae are known as powderpost beetles. They are so named because larvae leave a fine, dustlike powdered frass (a mixture of feces and food fragments) in their galleries that occasionally falls out of exit holes into small piles on floors or other surfaces. This powdered frass is characteristic of powderpost beetles […]
Characteristics Adult Adult body around 8 mm long.Colour reddish brown to black.The body is elongate and cylindrical.Head directed downward and usually not visible from above.Larvae Larvae about 5 – 8 mm long.Colour nearly white. BodyC- shaped but with thorax enlarged.Introduction Bostrichids are commonly known as the false powderpost beetles. They are worldwide in distribution. Damage […]
Bostrichids are commonly known as the false powderpost beetles. They are worldwide in distribution. Characteristics Adult body around 8 mm long.Colour reddish brown to black.The body is elongate and cylindrical.Head directed downward and usually not visible from above. LarvaeLarvae about 5 – 8 mm long.Colour nearly white.Body C- shaped but with thorax enlarged. Biology & […]
Yellow Mealworm BeetleMealworm beetles are large beetles, two species of which are the largest of the stored product beetles at 5/8 inch to 4/5 inch (14 to 20mm) in length. They are dark brown or black in colour and, to an untrained eye, may resemble ground beetles in appearance. Mealworm beetles are uniformly oval in […]
Squarenecked Grain BeetleLike other members if the beetle Family Cucujidae, the squarenecked grain beetle is a flat beetle – a necessary shape for hiding in small cracks and under items. It is oblong, reddish brown in color with shiny, polished appearance. It grows to a length of 1/10 inch (2.5 mm) so it is fairly […]